Conference CTF
During the conference you can join our Capture the flag on the balcony!
The CTF starts on Wednesday morning and it will end on Friday 15:00. The winners will be announced during the closing talk.
The CTF will be hosted and created by https://brucon.libctf.so/
Student CTF
A fully fledged CTF requires a specific set of skills, for this, BruCON will be organising a student CTF where we will guide students through a CTF competition! The student CTF covers 4 different topics each containing a number of challenges.
More information coming soon!
Hacker Run
What better way is there to start the second conference day than running 10km with a bunch of hackers?
Put on your running shoes and join us at the entrance of the Novotel Gent (Blue square on the map to the left) on Friday at 7:30.
We’ll be back in time to freshen up and attend the first presentation of the day.
Word is that it’s also a good way to get rid of a hangover!
You can add this to your Schedule on Sched.org!
You can reach out to @andydeweirt on twitter.
IOT / ICS Village
The Internet of Things (IOT) has been creeping up on us for the past couple of years and is impacting every sphere of modern life for consumer and operational technologies. The integration of these tiny computers has various functions to make our life more convenient or to make operations more streamlined with new line of services.
The IoT/ICS Village brings you a diverse environment where you can broaden your skills by attending one of the adhoc workshops we host; get your black hat on and compete in one of the Capture the Flag (CTF) contests, or simply sit back, relax and hack away.
Various components such as commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices will be made available for attendees to tinker with. A custom development board has been created as part of the IoT CTF and will be made available for CTF contestants.
For those that want to dive into real life examples of industrial networks that live in manufacturing environments we bring back the FacTile CTF demo environment with support of Howest University college. This physical set up allows you to get a better grip on how industrial components work and how they intertwine within an organisations’ network environment. With support of Airbus and Claroty we are also bringing an online OT CTF platform that includes various challenges ranging from solving logic gate quests to industrial forensic analysis’s.
Throughout the course of the conference, several experienced volunteers will be present to guide you through the world of IoT and the realm of control systems.
IoT is all around us, that is why we want to have fun and play with IoT equipment. Join us in the IoT village for demo’s, hands-on hacking sessions, workshops, IoT CTF and much more!
We have off-the-shelf devices that you can play with, we have a custom developed dev board for our CTF, we have real-live wireless communication services that will be shown, and much more! An entire village full of fun IoT devices that can be applied to the real-world! This makes the IoT village the place to be as it is full of fun IoT devices to inspire you for future hacking challenges.
We will also have an ICS lab available for you to play with! Ever wondered what industrial control systems look like from the inside? Ever wanted
to know how to get logic into a programmable logic controller? Ever wanted to use your security tools against industrial devices without breaking into the power plant nearby?
All of the above?! Then be sure to join us in the village!
INsecurity ICS CTF
Our partners Howest/UGent are hosting their ICS CTF again this year!
Have you ever wondered how vulnerable your industrial control systems are to cyber-attacks?
Now is your chance to find out by performing these attacks yourself!
Not just in theory, not in a simulated environment, but against real industrial hardware!
This Capture The Flag challenge will cover essential ICS technologies and components and give the attendees a better understanding of the vulnerabilities these possess.
A factory network containing industrial hardware will be our target.
Using real world pentesting techniques, several vulnerabilities and inherent protocol weaknesses can be used to actively exploit the industrial control systems.
We provide you with a real layered industrial network environment which includes brands such as: Siemens, Schneider, Mitsubishi, eWon, Phoenix Contact, Beckhoff
Retro Gaming
What’s your favourite video game from when you where a kid?
The Awesome Retro foundation will bring over a fine selection of home computers and consoles that go back as far as the late 70’s, for your leisure and entertainment. Enjoy a friendly competition with your fellow conference-goers, try your coding skills on one of the early home computers, or try to beat your highschool highscore on one of the avail- able arcade classics. The Awesome Retro stand is located on the 2nd floor balcony, each conference day from morning to evening. Game on!
Student CTF
This year’s Student CTF will take place at the Monasterium on Sunday September 30th 2018.
The student CTF this year will pitch students in small groups against each other trying to solve security challenges.
A wide variety of skills will be needed, so choose your time wisely if you want to win. Gather your top lock pickers, crypto analysts, coders, researchers and debuggers and prepare for a full day of sweating, swearing and cheering as you learn new skills and solve puzzles.
In order to participate in our Student CTF personal registration is needed. The actual groups can be formed at the CTF itself in case you do not have a group of 4 to 6 people. The doors open at 8h30 and the CTF starts at 9h00. The CTF will be stopped at 17h00. Lunch will be provided. Bring sufficient fluids to keep you going during an adrenaline fuelled day.