For our tenth anniversary we have arranged a special event to supplement our standard conference track. On October 3rd, from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM, one of Belgium’s most popular podcasts will be recorded in the main auditorium “Westvleteren” at the BruCON venue. As of 6:30 PM, there will be free entrance so anybody can join !
The Lieven Scheire’s Nerdland podcast brings together a bunch of nerdy science freaks to share the most important science news of the past month. Interesting science facts put forward in a hilarious manner. With cyber security as a recurring topic on the show, we are sure you will like it just as much as the BruCON Crew does.
After the usual conference track the bar will remain open, and a sandwich dinner will be foreseen at the venue for anyone who wishes to sit in the live audience.
Language spoken: English
More info :
Twitter : @lievenscheire