3 reasons to book your BruCON training now!

BruCON 0x06 is getting close and we are putting everything in motion to have another great edition.
This year, we have our largest trainings offering yet, again offering world-class, deep-dive technical trainings given by the most recognized experts with huge industry experience in their domain!

A brief summary :

  • Kali Linux Dojo by Mati Aharoni “Muts”, the founder and core developer of Kali Linux presents the first official all-day Kali Linux event. (link)
  • Hardware Hacking by Joe Grand covering hardware hacking and reverse engineering techniques commonly used against electronic products and embedded systems. (link)
  • Wireshark – Packet Class by Didier Stevens, teaching both simple and advanced Wireshark skills that are essential for security professionals and hackers. (link)
  • Advanced Wi-Fi Pentesting by Vivek Ramachandran, based on the best selling book “Backtrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing” providing highly technical and in-depth treatment of Wi-Fi security. (link)
  • Historical and Modern Cryptography for Security Professionals by Chris Lytle & Dan Crowley, teaching you to understand modern cryptography based on historical cryptography and practical experience in analyzing and breaking. (link)
  • Telco Security: Hacking Core Network Protocols and Beyond by Philippe Langlois, covering Core Network protocols, standardized and proprietary telecom Core Network protocols from a security point of view. (link)
  • Hands-on Penetration Testing by Georgia Weidman, giving you hands-­on experience examining multiple facets of penetration testing following the Penetration Testing Execution Standard(PTES). (link)
  • ARM Android Xploitation by Aseem Jakhar & Aditya Gupta, takes up one of the finest operating system used for smartphones a.k.a Android and tears it apart. (link)
  • Practical Malware Analysis: Rapid Introduction by Michael Sikorskia rapid introduction to Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering from the guy who wrote the book. (link) (maximum attendees put at 40 due to being sold out rapidly *pun intended*)
3 reasons to register as soon as possible:

  1. Some of the aforementioned trainings have not reached their minimum attendee numbers which could result in a cancellation. 
  2. As of 1-Sep you will pay last-minute pricing instead of the normal training price.
  3. If you need a reason to convince your boss : “The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave, is not training them and having them stay!”
Kind regards,
BruCON team

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