09 Mar: BruCON 0x08 CFP/CFT Announcement

This is the Call for Papers (CFP) for talks and workshops and Call for Training (CFT) for the 8th edition of BruCON, a 2-day Security and Hacking Conference full of interesting presentations, workshops and security challenges. BruCON is an open-minded gathering of people discussing computer security, privacy, and information technology. The conference tries to create bridges between the various actors active in computer security world including (but not limited to) hackers, security professionals, security communities, non-profit…

21 Jan: The CFP/CFT is open … start submitting your talks now!

Announcement————*** this is a combined Call For Papers/Call For Training ***Brussels, Belgium — This is the call for papers (CFP) and participation for the 4th edition of BruCON, a 2-day Security and Hacking Conference full of interesting presentations, workshops and security challenges. BruCON is an open-minded gathering of people discussing computer security, privacy, and information technology. The conference tries to create bridges between the various actors active in computer security world including (but not limited…

15 Feb: BruCON 2010: Call for Papers

Call for Papers BruCON.v2 2010: Hacking for B33r================================ Brussels, Belgium — This is a call for papers and participation for the second BruCON edition, a 2-day Security and Hacking Conference, full of interesting presentations, workshops and security challenges. BruCON is an open-minded gathering of people discussing computer security, privacy, and information technology. The conference tries to create bridges between the various actors active in computer security world, included but not limited to hackers, security professionals,…

19 Apr: Reviewing the Call for Papers

After a small Easter break, the Brucon crew is reviewing all the submitted proposals. We want to thank everyone who submitted a presentation, workshop or training and we are very happy with the result. We are doing our best to review everything and respond to everyone in the next 2 weeks. The Crew. (Photo under creative commons from sutti.’s photostream)

01 Mar: 30 days remaining for the Brucon Call for Papers

We got some great submissions and more are on the way. This is a gentle reminder that we have entered the month of March and that you have 30 days to enter an abstract of your presentation. We have decided to end the first phase of our CFP on the 30th of March. See our CFP policy for more information. Follow our RSS feed to stay up to date on the latest news. Related posts:…

25 Jan: BruCON 2009 Call for Papers

Our website will now accept abstracts for the submission of presentations. Our goal is to have both international and local speakers. There will also be room for small lightning talks so everyone can have a say at this event about his tool, website or cool project. Pass the message !!! Call for Papers BruCon.v1 2009: Hacking for B33r================================This is a call for papers and participation for BruCon, an International Security Conference,organized in Brussels!Brucon aims to…