31 Jan: We require your feedback

Hey BruCON people, here’s a short blogpost to launch a survey requesting your feedback on training opportunities at BrUCON. This year we want to be even more aware of your education needs so we can try whatever we can to attract knowledgeable speakers with the ability to share her knowlege with you as a student. Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback here : https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/brucon2012 One person who has completed the review will…

10 Jan: BruCON 2012 … it’s on !

3,2,1 … BruCON 2012 is a go!  In the past few months, after a few weeks of rest, we’ve looked back, learned some lessons and listened to your feedback. One of the most gratifying things about organizing a conference is that the attendees tell us that they had a good time, learned a lot, made friends and overall enjoyed our event. We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that supported BruCON since it’s…

08 Jan: Before we start our preparations for 2012 …

Hello BruCON people! Before we kick start living towards a new installment of Brucon 2012 we have an apology to make. All volunteers contributing to the conference are doing their utmost to make everything work and from the feedback we received we haven’t fumbled in 99% of what makes the event one of your favorite conferences in Europe. However, this year, we feel we have let you down on one specific point : the recordings…

04 Oct: Pictures wanted

I’m hoping everybody has recovered from BruCON 0x03, had some time to spent with friends and families and maybe took some of the things you picked up at BruCON and gave them a twhirl for some work-related or other project. While we are already looking at BruCON 0x04, we have one little request for you. We do not have an official BruCON photographer and we figured the best viewpoint to capture how BruCON was, would…

16 Sep: a lot of hands make work light …

and the experience awesome … There’s a lot of work to be done at a conference like BruCON : setup, running the workshops, catering duty, bar duty, security, break up, … A big challenge this year for instance is that we can only enter the conference venue at 7am on Monday. You can imagine that it will be hectic to get everything ready and it will be kinda a all-hands-on-deck moment 🙂 If you’re coming…

15 Sep: Last minute changes to the schedule !

There was a time when I thought the last few months leading up to a conference were hectic. Back then I didn’t know how it would be one week before the conference. I believe there’s one thing that keeps us going and that’s the enthusiasm we feel from our volunteers, our attendees (many are flying in from all over the globe) and our volunteers. We’re so much looking forward to kick Brucon 0x03 off! One…

13 Sep: Finding your way around Brussels during Brucon

For many of our attendees, this may be the first time they’re visiting Brussels. Finding your way around may not be the easiest thing to do …. Some will just go at it, some like to plan everything before leaving. The latter group will be relieved when they see the effort @5M7X has gone through to create an awesome map where all the important Brucon events are indicated on! Here’s the link! Enjoy, See you…

12 Sep: Brucon Trainings — a long-term knowledge sharing engagement

Since it’s inception Brucon had two main goals. The first one to foster an environment where both the technology-oriented information security audience and the business-oriented information security audience could find knowledge, share experience, learn and be inspired. This became our two-day conference. The second goal was to create an event where our audience could learn the stuff they need to excel in their job, the skills they require to be ahead of the curve. This…

12 Sep: Entering the Brucon conference site by car

Hola (that’s Spanish for hello), You should already be aware that we are having this year’s Brucon at the Campus of the ‘Vrije Universiteit Brussel’ (let it be known as VUB from here on forward). For people that decide to come to the venue by car, our hosts have been so kind to create an entrance barcode that you should not forget to print and bring with you as it will open the gates at…