Brucon Trainings — a long-term knowledge sharing engagement

Since it’s inception Brucon had two main goals. The first one to foster an environment where both the technology-oriented information security audience and the business-oriented information security audience could find knowledge, share experience, learn and be inspired. This became our two-day conference. The second goal was to create an event where our audience could learn the stuff they need to excel in their job, the skills they require to be ahead of the curve. This part materialized in the first place as the Brucon trainings.

The Brucon trainings aim to bring top-notch experts to Belgium to deliver a great learning experience at an affordable price. I believe we can pride ourselves in the fact that we can deliver these trainings at one of the lowest price compared to other conferences. We can only thank our trainers for this.
The trainings make our circle round. Thanks to the income from the trainings, we are able to keep the cost for the conference low. They contribute immensely to the budget we have for our conference. As a non-profit organisation we are not allowed to, well, make profit 🙂 Thus any excess money is contributed to community efforts. The Belgian hackerspaces and The Infosec Mentors project, amongst others, have been sponsored by Brucon in the past years. It’s part of who we are, it’s why we do this.
This year, unfortunately, we had to cancel two of our six scheduled trainings. Not as bad as many other conferences but still disappointing. For us, for the trainers who have prepared the materials and course content and for the people who actually registered for the courses.
Now, for the remaining trainings, we still have open spots. If you or anyone you know is still interested to join in for 2 days of learning from the best in the industry, don’t hesitate to register !
To register for these trainings click here!
See you at Brucon !

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